Interactive tree of Ethelred II "The England

Waltheof Earl of Dunbar 10621138
Sigrid (Sigarith) 1075
Gospatric, Earl of Northumberland 10401075
Sister of Edumond 1040
Ealdgyth (Aglithia), Princess Northumberland 1020
Maldred Earl Of Dunbar 10151045
Elgiva (Alfgifu) Princess England [Countess of Nor 989
Ughtred Earl of Northumbria 9711016
Ethelred II "The England 9681016
Alfgifu (Aelflaed) Queen England 968
Edgar The Peacable, England 943975
Elfrida (Elfthryth), Queen England 9471000
Thored Ealderman Gunnarsson 938
Mrs-Thored Gunnarsson 948